Snowy creek

Snowy creek
Taken during our latest ice and snow storm

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hello again

This is a milestone for me.  The second post to my blog!
I am slowing getting accustomed to this blog stuff  but  have a long way to go.
Sunday night when our weather was somewhat above freezing I became very optimistic about spring being close.  Wrong!
Anyway, I made the card I posted below.  I should have named the card 'Optimism'.  The next day I took a picture of our snowy creek during our snow and ice storm. 
I'm not too happy with the way the card turned out and I certainly wasn't happy with the snow and ice.  Since I can't do much about the weather except complain (which I can do quite well) I will have to focus on improving my card-making skills.  So back to working on another card.  I hope it will be better. 
Since its a little cool to sit out here in the snow and ice  by the water's edge to chat I will close this until we can meet again.  Hopefully in warmer weather.
Bye for now............

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My first Step Along My Blogging Journey

Hi and welcome to my blog.
This is a new experience for me so just come in and sit by the water’s edge with me for a little chat.
I love crafts!  So that will be the whole focus of my blog .  I hope you will bear with me as I travel along from one craft to another.
For the past year I have been mesmerized by paper crafting and this has really been a surprise for me since I never, ever thought I would be interested in papercrafting.  I started out by purchasing a Cricut Expression. I thought it was such a  cute little cutter . I  didn’t use it - couldn’t afford the expensive cartridges.  I had decided to list the cute little, worthless-to-me Expression on Ebay but then I heard about Sure Cuts A Lot software that could replace the expensive cartridges.  Bought the software.  Didn’t use it much but found it was an improvement over the cartridges.  Then I heard about Make-the-Cut software.  Purchased it and oh, how my life changed!  I quickly became a paper crafting addict.  Love that MTC!
For the past few days I have also found that photography is quite fascinating and believe me when I tell you I know absolutely nothing about it but I’m going to try to learn a little.  Probably will learn just enought to be quite annoying to family, friends, blog readers, perfect strangers, etc.
So enough for my first post and here’s hoping I have not bored you but have made you feel welcome on my crafting, blogging, picture taking journey.